Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale Review

Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale is exactly what it says on the tin – a game about running an item shop.

My first reaction to this was “what? an item shop owner? I always wanted to be a merchant in an RPG when I was a child.”

I’m kidding, I wanted to be a super-powered chef. So yeah, the premise of the game is a bit “meh” but moving on, here’s what I think about Recettear.

Recettear review

Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale Review

The main character is Recette whose father racked up a huge debt. Her father is missing so our heroine has to pay it off. Tear is a fairy from the debt collection agency who suggests that Recette convert the first floor of her house into an item shop.

The mechanics of the game are pretty simple – Recette goes to the guild shop and buys items that she can resell at her shop. The basics: buy low, sell high.

There are factors to consider when buying and selling such as supply and demand but it’s not really that hard to master. All the player has to do is sell items at a markup.

Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale Review – Characters

If I had to pick the best thing I liked about the game I would definitely choose the characters. They are so lovable, funny, and fun to play. Recette is your basic friendly ditz/airhead type while Tear is the older, much more worldy-wise, and witty character.

During the course of the story, various characters will pop up at various locations and also visit the shop. These characters are either there for color or they can be fighters that can team up with Recette to go dungeoneering. Each character has his or her own backstory and I liked almost all of them. The exception is that scammer! Argh, she makes me so mad when she sells highly inflated items to me (well, she sells them to Recette but I am the one playing as her so it’s me).

Recettear – Dungeons

Speaking of dungeoneering, this was one of my favorite parts of the game. It’s really not that good, it’s just your basic old school dungeon fighting minigame but I liked it. It’s a fun way to break up the monotony of buying and selling day after day after day.

In the dungeons, Recette and Tear (from now on I will call them R+T) come along but they are protected by a force field so they aren’t attacked. To even start going to dungeons R+T must befriend an adventurer from the adventurer’s guild. this is because they are not fighters. So the duo go along with a fighter who does all of the work for them. Pretty sweet gig for those two, huh? Let someone else do the fighting and reap then benefits!

Despite the fact that clearing dungeons is fun, it is not really that profitable. Most of the money is in buying and selling items.

Recettear Review – Difficulty

In the beginning tutorial, which was mercifully brief, Tear told Recette that she can markup items at 30% higher. This makes me feel a bit mad because this information is false. Argh! You can get the best results by only putting in a small markup and giving your customers a good bargain without haggling too much.


Once I realized my mistake, I did the game over and finished it easily on the second loop. I would say that the difficulty of the game is nil. It’s pretty easy.

Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale Review – Conclusion

Overall, Recettear: An Item Shop’s Tale is a decent game. I think it’s fun and colorful. However, regarding value for money, it currently cosst $20 at which I feel is a bit much for something I only played for a few hours. If you are okay with paying that much then I can recommend this game as good, clean fun.

I want to go all around the world on a luxury cruise ship

Keeping up with the Jones’

One of the things I would like to do if I were rich is to go on a cruise all over the world. To me, this is the ultimate in lazy travel. Once a traveler sets foot in one of those luxury cruise ships, everything is already taken cared of and there are no more worries.

How to get clothes, accessories, and shoes for free

Quite recently I have made an excellent discovery that has given me a lot of satisfaction. Did you know that there is an easy way to get clothes, accessories, and shoes for free? No joke and there’s no catch.

It’s simple, I found out about online consignment stores! I don’t know how on earth I could have missed this.

Consignment stores are shops where you can drop off your items for them to sell for you. Of course, the shop owner will charge a commission when the item sells. This is a good way to get money back from items in your closet that you no longer use.

The way that I got free items is pretty sweet. You see, when you sign up for an online consignment store, they give you a signup bonus credit which you can then use to get free stuff. Yay!

How to get free clothes, accessories, and shoes:

– create an account at Thredup ($20 signup bonus) and Schoola ($10 credit)
– you will automatically get a credit for signing up
– use the credit to get free stuff

Caution: shipping might not be free but it’s very reasonable. My last item was a handbag and shipping was only $6 and in Schoola there is a free shipping option.

Disclosure: when you click on the links I gave, I will also get credit if you use the websites to shop. It’s a win-win situation, both of us get free credit. You can also earn additional credit by referring other people.

So what kinds of stuff can you get?

Ettiene Aigner bag

Ettiene Aigner bag

Here is an example. This is an Ettiene Aigner bag in excellent condition. It’s second hand so there is a huge discount. Just make sure that you read the item description and look at the picture closely.

huge savings

Huge savings!

As you can see you can get large discounts. This Aigner bag’s original price is $297 but you can buy it for $108.99. That is a 63% discount.

Schoola donation

Schoola also donates a certain amount to schools when you purchase an item

Another benefit that you get is that when you buy or use your credit for something, Schoola and Thredup will donate to a school. This is something that I really like about using these websites.

I know some people feel that it’s “icky” or cheap to buy from consignment stores but I wish that more people would be more open to the idea of buying second hand. This is not just cheap (or, in this case, free) but also socially responsible. Re-using, recycling, and upcycling reduces waste, energy consumption, and pollution (from the manufacturing process).

Those people who have a problem with using something second hand can pick items that are new, normally with the tags still attached.

To get the best items, take a look at the shops right after Christmas. Lots of people sell off their unwanted Christmas gifts so you can score a really good brand new item.

Nightowls, Unite!

night owl

I am most definitely a night owl. Daytime is way too full of distractions. I can only write and be productive when I blog at night when everyone else is asleep.

When I do get ideas during the say (normally when I shower) I write the idea down but the whole blog will be written later that night.

Because the Night

Top Five Places

“Tell us about the top five places you’ve always wanted to visit.” – The Wanderer

1. The pyramids of Egypt.

I have always been fascinated with ancient Egyptian culture so this is at the top of my list.

2. Paris, France

I have never been there and I want to go shopping in Paris!

3. Bali, Indonesia

This is a nice and relaxing place that I want to experience. Plus, I heard it is pretty cheap. 😀

4. The Colosseum, Rome

Rome is also one of the places I really wan to visit and if it is possible to visit the Colosseum, I would like to go.

5. Bath, Somerset (England)

This is one of the less exotic places on my list but my parents have been there and loved it so one day I would like to go with my family.

Oh no, I wouldn’t go mad with power *cackles*

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Do you Believe in Magic?.”

I am a day late but I absolutely had to answer this one.

The full question is: “You have been transformed into a mystical being who has the ability to do magic. Describe your new abilities in detail. How will you use your new skills?”

Oh my gosh, this is the best question ever.

My new ability would be to create objects that heal people. I would heal myself and everyone I could. Health is wealth!

Cool Giveaway – Ends 11/6 – Open Worldwide!

Welcome to the $25 Gift Card of Choice, Giveaway Event!

Hosted by: Lil’ Blog and More.

and Co-Hosted by: My Silly Little Gang, and Best MMORPG 2015.

Ready for a fun giveaway? Well here is your chance to win a $25.00 Gift Card, to anywhere that you’d like! You can also just choose to receive Paypal cash, if you’d like.

The holidays are right around the corner, and what better way, then to win your gifts, right?!

I am so in love with doing these events, and I hope to bring you quite a few more, before the holidays. I know how hectic things can get during the season, and it’s just great to be able to bring joy to a few people! Anyway, I hope you all have fun entering, and good luck : )!!

The Giveaway!

One lucky winner will receive a $25.00 gift card (or Paypal) to anywhere they’d like!

Enter giveaway here.

Disclosure: This post is part of a giveaway event. The participating bloggers received nothing in exchange for this post.


What’s the best idea you’ve ever had? Regale us with every detail of the idea — the idea itself, where it came to you, and the problem it solved.

The best idea I ever had – hmmm that is a tough one. I guess, honestly, it would be that day when I first thought o myself “I love writing, maybe I can get a job just writing all day long.” This has worked out for me very nicely so far.

In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Brainwave.”

Why I Play MMORPGs

Massively multiplayer online rolelaying games (MMORPGs, also called MMOs for short) like World of Warcraft, Everquest, Dark Ages of Camelot, Runescape, Age of Conan, etc. are online games that are like a microcosm of real life. As a player who has been through many ups and downs, from the early days when I first played Runescape to today’s launch of the English version of ArcheAge, I have learnt many useful things from MMO games.

Why I Play MMORPGs

No Game No Life

My favorite gif from the anime No Game No Life. What they are saying here: “NO MERCY!”

1 – They are free. Not all of them are free, but a significant number are free to play (f2p). Yeah, I am cheap.

2 – I get to meet people from all over the world. It’s fun and in real life I would probably not know a wheelchair bound UK retiree, Romanian college student, Singaporean businessman, Hawaiian family man, Canadian aspiring chef, and tons of housewives of different ages. I love to listen to their daily lives. For some reason we talk about food a lot. 🙂

3 – Players are creative. Since MMORPG players often play everyday, we tend to get immersed in our game and this spills over into our artistic endeavors. I, for example, blog about MMORPGs, while my friends create fanart, poetry, fiction, etc. about our favorite games and the MMORPG gaming culture.

4 – I have free time. I’m sure almost all of us have at least an hour each day of free time. I like to spend mine playing games.

5 – MMORPG gaming is deep. It might not seem so at first when you are a newbie but gradually, as you level up, you will discover that the endgame is totally different from your staring days. For example, whereas your normal player would kill or craft things to earn in-game money, there are player merchants who buy and sell. The concept is simple: buy low, sell high. But how do you know when items are going to rise in price? Heh, it’s not always easy.

6 – I have a daily routine. I know, you probably think this is dumb but I actually do enjoy doing a lot of different things everyday. I get a good feeling when I finish my tasks for the day.

7 – MMOs are very social. Once you start playing a lot it’s really fun to join a player guild/clan. It adds another layer of complexity and fun to the gaming experience.

8 – There is no winning or losing. Honestly, there isn’t. In MMORPGs you can play the way you want. You can powerlevel or you can just stand at the city square all day long chatting with people. It’s cool.

I think most people who play MMORPGs probably feel the same way. What do you think?

The Daily Post

Today’s writing prompt:

“You’ve been given the opportunity to send one message to one person you wouldn’t normally have access to (for example: the President. Kim Kardashian. A coffee grower in Ethiopia). Who’s the person you choose, and what’s the message?”

– from the Daily Post

I would send a message to the Andrew Gower, the original owner and creator of the game Runescape, to thank him for all the years I spent having fun playing it. I would also ask him to buy back the version 1 (Runescape Classic) and let people run their own servers.

Brutal Honesty is the Only Way to Go

brutal honesty

How are you at receiving criticism? Do you prefer that others treat you with kid gloves, or go for brutal honesty?
Daily Prompt

I prefer brutal honesty. Especially when I am writing, being handled with kid gloves is a joke. If people don’t want to be honest about it, I prefer that they not lie and say they like it or give me insincere compliments. You can either avoid giving feedback by saying something like “oh, I don’t really read a lot” or similar or just be totally honest.